Ravenshoe Wetland Complex and Maskinonge River Study

PROJECT: Ravenshoe Wetland Complex and Maskinonge River Study

CLIENT: Lake Simcoe & Region Conservation Authority


  • Water’s Edge, in conjunction with Azimuth Environmental, was retained by the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) to complete the Hydro-Geomorphic Assessment and Channel Survey for the Ravenshoe Road Wetland Complex and the Maskinonge River Project.
  • The principal objective was to determine if there is a possible natural channel solution to drainage problems within the Study Area.
  • As part of the Study, geomorphic, hydrologic, and hydrogeological analyses were completed for the Study Area. A natural heritage inventory and assessment were also completed.
  • The study area generally consists of impacted agricultural lands (straightened, cattle access, equipment access). The proposed natural channel design will provide refuge areas, diverse cover habitat, increased foraging opportunities, and complex channel morphology and will result in an overall improvement of fish habitat in the Maskinonge River Wetland Complex.
  • Plantings, rock revetments, and various bioengineering strategies employed in the natural channel design solution may also increase fish community diversity and overall productivity. BMPs (livestock access restriction, conservation tillage fencing, etc.) will assist in reducing the impacts of agriculture in the area and were also recommended as a part of the proposed solution.
  • An Exploratory Workshop was held with approximately 100 residents where the existing conditions and possible remediation strategies were presented and discussed.

SERVICES PROVIDED: Geomorphic Assessment, Natural Channel Design, Hydrological Assessment

DATE OF PROJECT: 2014-2016