Floodplain Mapping

Township of Huron-Kinloss Floodplain Mapping Project
Water’s Edge was authorized by Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) to provide technical and engineering services for first ever floodplain mapping of the Pine River and several lakeshore creeks.

Town of Saugeen Shores Floodplain Mapping Project
Water’s Edge was authorized by Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) to provide technical and engineering services to a new floodplain mapping of several lakeshore creeks.

Lansdowne Creek Floodplain Mapping Project
Water’s Edge was authorized by North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA to provide technical and engineering services to a new floodplain mapping of Lansdowne Creek and its tributaries.

Nogies Creek Floodplain Mapping Project
Water’s Edge was authorized by Kawartha Conservation (KC) to provide technical and engineering services to a new floodplain mapping of Nogies Creek.

Clarence Creek Hydrology and Hydraulics Modelling
Water’s Edge was retained by SNC to develop hydrologic and hydraulic models of the Clarence Creek watershed (east of Ottawa, Ontario) for the purpose of updating the floodplain mapping through the watershed.

Park’s and Jessup’s Creeks Floodplain Mapping Project
Water’s Edge was authorized by North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) to provide technical and engineering services to determine floodplain mapping of Park’s and Jessup’s Creeks in the City of North Bay.

Chippewa Creek Floodplain Mapping Project
Water’s Edge was authorized by North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) to provide technical and engineering services to update the existing floodplain mapping of Chippewa Creek and two of its major tributaries, Eastview and Johnston Creek in the City of North Bay.