Chapman Valley (Humber Creek) – Phase 1

PROJECT:  Chapman Valley (Humber Creek) – Phase 1

CLIENT:  City of Toronto


  • A sanitary sewer siphon within Humber Creek became exposed due to the severe degradation of soft shales in the watercourse.
  • Water’s Edge worked with the City of Toronto to assess and design a robust channel that will protect the sanitary siphon as well as a stormwater outfall and the newly constructed downstream road crossing.
  • An armourstone channel with purposefully designed step pool features was the preferred solution for the long-term protection of the channel. The banks of the channel were also lined with boulder buttressing and shrub plantings.
  • A significant quantity of shale material was removed and disposed of and the bed of the creek was brought up to the design elevation.
  • Water’s Edge provided all tendering and design services prior to construction.
  • Water’s Edge provided full time contract administration during the construction phase.
  • A monitoring plan was setup over several years to evaluate the long-term stability of the new channel.
  • Phase 1 construction was completed in Summer 2021.


  • Surveying,
  • Fluvial geomorphic and hydraulic assessments,
  • Channel Design,
  • Tendering,
  • Contract Administration,
  • Post-Construction Monitoring

DATE OF PROJECT:  2019-2025 (est. including monitoring)

