Limestone Creek Pond Removals, Culvert Replacement, and Wetland Habitat Creation

PROJECT: Limestone Creek Pond Removals, Culvert Replacement, and Wetland Habitat Creation

CLIENT: Conservation Halton


  • Water’s Edge was engaged by Conservation Halton to complete design plans to improve fish migration by removing barriers on Limestone Creek, reducing water temperatures by removing the online pond, and increasing the vegetated riparian zone.
  • Hydrological functions were improved by restoring the channel form, replacing the undersized culvert, and re-creating the wetland habitat that was provided by the online pond and the culvert/beaver dam backwatering.
  • Construction was completed in 3 major phases with the final 2 phases of work completed in Fall 2019.

SERVICES PROVIDED: Hydrologic & Hydraulic Assessment – Streamflow Monitoring, Geomorphic Assessment, Stream Restoration Design, Tendering and Construction Inspection

DATE OF PROJECT: 2016-2019


