Rouge Hills Drive Outfall Restoration

PROJECT:  Rouge Hills Drive Outfall Restoration

CLIENT:  City of Toronto


  • Water’s Edge was authorized by the City of Toronto to undertake an assessment and repair design of a severely degraded storm outfall in Scarborough.
  • The outfall is located between two private residential properties and has caused erosion to the channel and partial failure to valley slopes.
  • Based on investigation of background information and an initial assessment, Water’s Edge staff recommended 3 rehabilitation options, and based on the cost, benefit, and constructability analysis the City chose to have the culvert extended down the valley and outlet to a lower sloped part of the channel.
  • A maintenance hole drop structure would be placed at the end of the existing culvert which would tie in the proposed culvert, which provides access and the ability for cleanouts to occur as necessary.
  • The existing valley above the new culvert would be filled and graded and sloped up to match the higher banks on both sides.
  • Water’s Edge provided all tendering and design services prior to construction.
  • Water’s Edge provided full time contract administration during the construction phase.
  • A monitoring plan was setup over several years to evaluate the long-term stability of the new channel.


  • Preliminary and Detailed Design,
  • Agency Liaison,
  • Subsurface Utility Engineering Investigation,
  • Tendering,
  • Construction Administration.

DATE OF PROJECT:  2018 – 2023. The post-construction monitoring and warranty period for the project was completed in 2023.

