Natural Channel DEsigns

Christie Lake Conservation Area – Pond Decommissioning and Fish Habitat Improvement
Water’s Edge was authorized by Hamilton Conservation Area (HCA) to complete an assessment of three Spencer Creek tributaries containing seven manmade (or anthropogenic) online ponds with the intention of removing the ponds.

Upper Kidd’s Creek Hydro-Geomorphic Assessment and Designs
Water’s Edge was engaged by Lake Simcoe Region CA to prepare an assessment and channel design of a severely impacted reach of Kidds Creek in the City of Barrie.

Mountsberg Creek Restoration Project
This project was building on previous work with Conservation Halton in Partnership with the City of Hamilton to restore Mountsberg Creek

Farewell Creek Design – Build
Water’s Edge, in conjunction with Cambridge Landscaping and Construction Ltd., was engaged by the City of Oshawa to complete a Design-Build of Farewell Creek.

East Carlton Creek Channel Realignment – Commercial Development in Markham
Commercial development project in the City of Markham required the realignment for 225 metres of creek including a new road crossing.

Mindemoya River Sites 662 & 664
Water’s Edge was authorized to design and supervise the implementation of bank erosion protection, debris removal, riparian buffer and enhance in-stream fish habitats on Mindemoya River at Site MIN 662 & 664.